Ben Lomond

Ben Lomond

Ben Lomond. Sentinel of Loch Lomond. So barren in winter, yet a mass of green in summer.       This shot I made into a duo-tone picture. Nikon D4...
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine….

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine….

We’ve all heard the Seals and Croft song. “Summer breeze, makes me feel fine”… Its a great song. How many times have you sung along to that in the car on a summers day…? Its perfect for when the sun comes out – just like this day....
Sunset on the Clyde

Sunset on the Clyde

Sunsets are hypnotic. They are, and most of us can’t resist a particularly nice sunset. Especially the colours as the sun dips below the horizon. I live next to the River Clyde, and sometimes I see some wonderful sunsets. This one isn’t any different....